Friday, May 31, 2013

Scam Alert – Unsolicited telephone calls offering “free” Med Alert device

Residents across the country are receiving telephone calls from telemarketers selling a device called “Med Alert”. The target audience for this scam are seniors who potentially will respond for the “free” device and provide their banking information for the service not knowing it is a health care product scam.

If you know of someone who has been a victim of this type of crime and provided “financial” information please have them contact their local police department to file a report. If you just received the telephone call or email, do not respond, there is no crime unless a financial transaction has occurred.
You can block the telephone number and put the email address in your spam folder to stop receiving unsolicited offers from that email address.

Information published in the Consumers Digest has been provided on these scams. Please pass this information to your neighbors, friends and especially seniors.

Telemarketers targeted seniors in medical-alert scam
Federal Trade Commission exposed another company for allegedly ripping off senior citizens.

FTC says telemarketers for Instant Response Systems pressured seniors to purchase medical-alert services.
In some cases, FTC alleges that seniors who declined the offer were sent a medical-alert device anyway, so Instant Response System could try to shake down those seniors for payment.

According to the complaint, Instant Response Systems created bogus billing invoices and threatened seniors with legal action if they didn’t pay for the device.

At FTC’s request, a U.S. district court ordered Instant Response Systems to cease operations. Instant Response Systems also does business as Response Systems, B.B. Mercantile, Medical Alert Industrial and Medical Alert Services, FTC says.

The regulatory agency charged Instant Response Systems with making illegal misrepresentations and violating the Unordered Merchandise Statute for sending consumers products that they didn’t order.

FTC’s complaint is the latest example of why seniors must be on guard against the threat of scammers at all times, as we reported in “The Fleecing of America’s Elderly” at Consumers

FTC - Scam Alert "Med Alert' free device

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

MI Senate Bill # 374 -May 21st 2013 ~ Create Statewide School Violence Okay-2-Say "Hotline"

The MI Senate has introduced a bill focusing on creating a "hotline" for reporting of any potential harmful or dangerous act. The MI Attorney General, Lt. Governor and the MI State Police are working together to create a frame work for this proposal.

Attached is the language defining the bill and a link to the MI Attorney Generals press release on the hotline.

2013 Senate Bill 374: Create statewide school violence “hotline”

  • Introduced in the Senate on May 21, 2013, to require the Attorney General and the State Police to create a “hotline” manned 24 hours a day all year long to collect “confidential reports of unsafe, potentially harmful, dangerous, violent, or criminal activities.” These could include cell phone camera and video images. While the bill does not limit the hotline to school related threats, other parts of it require the information to be shared with local law enforcement and school officials.

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette, Lt. Governer Calley, MI State Police Commander Etue's press release promoting the "Ok-2-Say" hotline.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

FDIC Consumer News Spring 2013 - Protecting Your Plastic from High-Tech Criminals

FDIC Spring 2013 Newsletter to Consumers:

The FDIC has issued an alert regarding the Internet "hacking" of financial institutions websites.  The banks and credit unions across the country are dealing with a daily barrage of malware and virus attacks of their websites. Consumers are inconvenienced as well as concerned that they may fall victim to a scam / fraud with accessing their accounts. When the banking site is under attack it is taken off line and consumers are left out wondering what now?    Before you response to a phishing email, mobile device message or telephone call to give your bank account numbers "Hang up, don't reply" call your financial institution to advise that you've been contacted. Your bank will not email or call you requesting your personal information if you have not initiated a call.  Forward the email(s) and give as much information about the attempt as you can to your banking site so they can track and help stop the fraud before someone falls prey to the attempts.

FDIC: FDIC Consumer News Spring 2013 - Protecting Your Plastic from High-Tech Criminals

Friday, May 24, 2013

FTC:How to Make Sure Oklahoma Tornado Victims Benefit From Your Donation

Law enforcement agencies across the state are receiving inquiries from residents about suspicious phone calls and emails regarding donating to the Oklahoma Tornado Disaster Relief efforts.

These type of calls and emails should be handled with caution when asked to provide credit card and banking account information. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has put an alert out regarding the Oklahoma Tornado relief efforts and how to find reputable charity organizations.

Click the link below to the FTC’s website for the information. Thanks
FTC - Oklahoma Tornado Disaster Relief Scams

Washtenaw Area Council for Children - Free local Workshop "Cyber Safety Initative Tweens & Teens Camp"

We're proud to promote the outstanding work of our Washtenaw County Area Council for Children. The service they offer to our local schools and community groups has been amazing!   If you are looking for a free workshop being offered June 24th - 28th, '13, here in Washtenaw County click on the link below for the details.

If you are interested in bringing this program to your community contact 734 434-4243 for information on costs.

Rich Coleman, PSCC, Pittsfield Twp. DPS

Special Events | Washtenaw Area Council for ChildrenWashtenaw Area Council for Children

Friday, May 17, 2013

National Missing and Exploited Children: Take 25 Conversation Starters

Take 25 is a grassroots safety initiative created in honor of National Missing Children’s Day. Annually honored on May 25th, this day serves as a reminder to the nation to make child safety a national priority. Designed to raise awareness of the issues surrounding missing and exploited children, the Take 25 Campaign encourages parents, guardians, educators, and others to take 25 minutes to talk to children about safety. Use these Conversation Starters to help begin the discussion. Click on the “Take 25 “ image below for the “conversation starter tips”.

Monday, May 13, 2013

National Police Week 2013 will be Sunday, May 12th through Saturday, May 18th

In 1962, President Kennedy proclaimed May 15th as National Peace Officers Memorial Day and the calendar week in which May 15th falls, as National Police Week. Established by a joint resolution of Congress in 1962, National Police Week pays special recognition to those law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty for the safety and protection of others.  Please consider attending events hosting in your community to honor those officers who gave the ultimate sacrifice in protecting our communities.

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund: National Police Week

Thursday, May 9, 2013

City of Westlands Fire Department: Fallen Firefighter Brian Woehlke Chairty Fund

On behalf of the Crime Prevention Association of Michigan we extend our  condolences to the City of Westland, it's  Fire Department personnel and the family of fallen Firefighter Brian Woehlke. The Westland Firefighters have setup a fund to assist the family.  Our hearts and prayers are with the Westland Fire personnel and families.

A link has been provided to their website.