Thursday, August 30, 2012

West Nile Virus: Important information from MI Dept. of Public Health

West Nile Virus: The Michigan Department of  Health Department has issued a state-wide alert addressing the impact of West Nile Virus. Click on the link below for publications on protecting your family and pets.
Information from the CDC on Myths about contracting West Nile.

             Myth #1: There's not much I can do about West Nile virus.

Truth: There is a lot that you, personally, can do to reduce your chance of West Nile virus infection.

  • Reduce the number of mosquito bites you get. Make a habit of using insect repellent with DEET when outdoors. Spray repellent on exposed skin and clothing. Get the details about safe repellent use.
  • Prime mosquito-biting hours are usually dusk to dawn. Pay special attention to protection during these hours, or avoid being outdoors.
  • You can reduce the number of mosquitoes around your home. Mosquitoes breed in standing water, so check your yard once a week: get rid of containers that aren't being used, empty water from flower pots, change water in bird baths and maintain clean gutters.
  • Make sure window and door screens are in good condition. Have an older neighbor or family member? See if they need help installing or repairing screens.
Myth #2: Kids are at the most danger of getting sick from West Nile virus.

Truth: People over 50 are at the highest risk for developing severe West Nile disease.

  • Relatively few children have been reported with severe West Nile Virus disease. By contrast, most of the deaths due to WNV during 2002 were among people over 50 years old. Half of those deaths were among people over 77 years old.
  • It is always a good idea for children to avoid mosquito bites, but it's also important for adults - especially older adults - to take steps to avoid mosquito bites. Click here for suggestions on how to avoid mosquito bites.
Myth #3: It's only people who are already in poor health who have to worry about West Nile virus.

Truth: Healthy, active older adults who spend time working and exercising outdoors have been affected by severe West Nile virus infection.

  • Being over 50 is a risk factor for developing severe West Nile disease if infected with the virus. There is a risk of getting mosquito bites while leading an active life outdoors. This doesn't mean you have to stay inside - it does mean that it's important to use repellent when you go outside.
Myth #4: Repellents containing DEET are not safe.
Truth: Repellents containing DEET are very safe when used according to directions.

  • Because DEET is so widely used, a great deal of testing has been done. When manufacturers seek registration with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for products such as DEET, laboratory testing regarding both short-term and long-term health effects must be carried out.
  • There are products with different strengths (percentage of DEET) available. The longer the protection you need the higher percent of DEET needed.
  • Repellent with DEET can be used for both adults and children, according to directions
  • Click here for much more information on using repellents safely.
Myth #5: As long as my area has a mosquito control program, I don't have to worry about using repellent.
Truth: Mosquito control activities don't eliminate every mosquito, so personal protection is still important.
  • Public activities, such as using products to kill mosquito larvae and adult mosquitoes, are one part of control. Personal protection, such as using repellent, keeping window screens in good condition, and control of household breeding sites are other important steps.
  • Collaboration between the community, the family and the individual is needed to achieve the best prevention of West Nile virus infection.

State of MI Dept of Public Health- West Nile Virus


NCPC Safe and Sound: School building safety tips

Back to School Safety Tips: The National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) has provided tips for schools, parents and care givers on school safety. This is an outstanding document that looks at the internal/external areas of school buildings. The survey for parents is though provoking and with the threat of school violence these tips will help with planning and talking with your children about how to follow school emergency drills and guidelines but also not to put themselves in harms way. Click on the link for the PDF document.

Online Scam: President will pay your Utility Bills, No

The Better Business Bureau has issued a nationwide warning about a new scam claiming that President Obama will pay your utility bills through a new federal program. For more information on how to avoid being a victim of this scam click on the image below. 

Cyberbullying is bullying or harassment that happens online. It can happen in an email, a text message, a game, or on a social-networking site. It might involve spreading rumors or images posted on someone’s profile or passed around for others to see, or creating a group or page to make a person feel left out. For more tips on addressing cyberbullying click on the link below.

SafeKids USA: Back to School Safety Tips 2012-13

Safekids USA: Back to School Safety tips:

With summer coming to an end and the start of the school year just around the corner, Safe Kids USA reminds parents and drivers to do their part to keep kids safe as they walk to school. Click on the link below for more details. 

Safe Kids USA

Larceny From Motor Vehicles, Avoid being a victim

Larceny from Motor Vehicles / Parts: Help Eliminate Auto Theft (H.E.A.T.)

Theft of auto parts and damage to vehicles can be avoided in some cases with following the tips provided by the H.E.A.T. program. To access those tips, please click on the link below.

Help Eliminate Auto Theft (HEAT)   

Robbery Prevention For Small Businesses, NCPC adapted for PTDPS

Robbery Prevention for Small Businesses:
Armed Robbery to your business - especially robbery to smaller retail operations and fast food stores - has become so wide-spread that it threatens every city and town regardless of size or population. You're a target, probably an easy target.

400,000 Yahoo! Passwords Hacked
On July 11th, 2012, Yahoo reported a hacking group calling itself D33Ds Company has posted more than 400,000 Yahoo! usernames and passwords online. The company is encouraging all users to change their passwords. It's also pointing its users to the Yahoo Security page which allows users to familiarize themselves with Yahoo!'s online safety tips.

yahoo Security

Rob Calls, how to stop them and report the abuser

Consumers are getting more robocalls than ever.  Technology is the reason: Companies are using auto dialers that can send out thousands of phone calls every minute for an incredibly low cost. 

Report companies making Robocalls

FTC- Identity Theft

Dealing with ID Theft

The FTC has created new identity theft protection materials available at .  A  brief brochure with tips everyone should have, a more detailed booklet with step-by-step instructions on dealing with the crime, and a brochure on how to recognize a new twist — child identity theft. You’ll also find information on medical and tax-related identity theft, and three new minute-long animated videos that focus on the most important messages.

.jFederal Trade Commission