Friday, February 28, 2020

State of MI - Governor Whitmer addressing the Coronavirus 2/27/2020

Important information for Michigan Residents:

HAPPENING NOW: @GovWhitmer, Chief Medical Executive Dr. Joneigh Khaldun of MI DHHS and Capt. Emmitt McGowan of MSP gives an update on Coronavirus to inform Michiganders of how the state is preparing to protect public health.

Video posted on MSP's Twitter Account 

MSP - news conference MI response to Coronavirus

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

CPAM Quarterly Meeting March 12, 2020

CPAM members in "good standing- paid membership fo 2020", our first quarterly meeting has been announced for March 12th, 2020. Check your email for details of the following presentations being offered, Michigan State Police Angel Program" and "Security Lighting tips for Security Assessments".

CPAM members: Upcoming 2020 training opportunities

CPAM member's two training opportunities for 2020 have been announced, mark your calendars and register to attend as required.