Saturday, October 8, 2011

CPAM- The place to network and learn from your peers

I joined CPAM in 1989, and after graduating from the Detroit Police Departments "Crime Prevention Training School" I was ready to bring the knowledge and excitement of putting in place creating an atmosphere for neighborhood, apartment, business and faith community watch programs. Working with other CPAM personnel it was important not to re-invent the wheel.

We used information from the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC- , National Missing and Exploited, The National Sheriff's Association, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, C.P.T.E.D, Community Oriented Policing, and many more as tools to build on our knowledge base to help our program.

If you are in law enforcement coordinating crime prevention, C.O.P.s officer or a civilian as I am  working for an agency this organization is one that you'll benefit from. The conferences, training, networking is such a valuable tool in doing your job but most of all your community benefiting from.

The 2011 CPAM Conference is being planned and members and those thinking of joining can help sustain and continue to build on the maintaining this great organization by being an officers and serving on the board of directors. Please visit the website for details on joininging as well as applying to be on the board.

6/16/11, Rich Coleman, Leg. L. CPAM

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