Cybersecurity Incident & Important Consumer Information
A Progress Update for Consumers
September 14, 2017
1) Additional information on credit freezes & troubleshooting issues.
We are experiencing a high volume of requests for security freezes, and have experienced some technical issues. We are working diligently to ensure an improved consumer experience. Here’s some updated information for consumers with questions about placing security freezes:
- If consumers request a security freeze online: Consumers may place, temporarily lift, or remove a security freeze to an Equifax Credit File by going to
Equifax does not currently email or mail the individual 10-digit PIN to consumers. It is available on the screen, and the consumer is asked to print the PIN from the screen. Our technology team is aware of some limited situations in which consumers are unable to view their PINs. We have identified that this is caused by their browser settings. We are working on a fix for this issue. In the meantime, we are displaying a phone number that consumers may call to receive a PIN.
- If consumers request a security freeze over the phone or via U.S. Mail: Equifax will mail consumers their individual, 10-digit PIN at the address on file.
- Refunds for recently placed credit freezes: Equifax intends to automatically refund consumers who used credit cards to place a security freeze on their Equifax credit file starting at 5:00 PM EST on Thursday, Sept. 7, 2017. We are also planning to refund consumers who paid by check or money order, but we are still finalizing the details of executing those refunds.