Thursday, October 18, 2018

CPAM Conference: 2018 General Membership meeting 10/18/18

CPAM Officers: Andrew Kozal President opened the meeting at 12:15pm, members were provided with the agenda.  Reports were given by V.P. Adam Nothelfer, Secretary Julie Niemchik, Treasurer Dave Robinson had to leave the conference early and the financial report which was listed on the agenda was reviewed and given by the president.

Approval of the reports was recommended and motion carried.

-Members were encouraged to complete the feed back forms and evaluations from the conference .
Ideas /topics were requested for future quarterly meetings. Members were polled on the idea of hosting an advanced CPTED training. Most thought this was a good recommendation.

-Training: The training committee announced that the 2019-20 conference dates / sites were listed in the conference packet and designed to assist in planning for members.

General membership quarterly training: December / January quarterly, updates on CRASE training.

-Awards Committee update, Ian Graham, members were encourage to nominate members for recognition and special projects in their communities. Information on the award nominations are in the conference packet with time lines for submissions.

- Mini Grants, Rick Smediendorf,  CPAM members have access to a $300.00 mini grant for special projects. Members are encouraged to apply, the application is in the conference packet.

-Legislative Update, Rich Coleman
Federal- Safe Neighborhood Block grants Authorization Act for 2018, FY ‘18, funding $30.3 Billion, this Act will fund, FBI / Federal prisons / US Marshals / DEA / Bureau of ATF /State and local grants - $2,442.3 million / Homeland Security- $47.7 billion.

State of MI - Bill of most concern by MACP, Senate Bill #594, “Private Police Services”.

Upcoming events of interest: U of M Cyber Security Summit 10/25/18, Ann Arbor MI .
North American Cyber Security Conference, 10/29/18, Cobo Hall, Detroit MI.
November 9th, '18, "2018 Scams and Fraud- Impact on Vulnerable Seniors, Pittsfield Twp. DPS

-CPAM Opportunities: members were provided with information about opportunities to help with the CPAM organization efforts such as website content, outreach to agencies from around the state to help expand the membership, and other projects that may need assistance.

New Business - pending

Motion to close the meeting @ 1:10pm was approved.

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